Okay then
June 6th, 2005 | File Under OSTG | 2 commentsDay one of the bloglife. Since there are no other links to it anywhere else on the Interweb, I’m using this inaugural post to supply some links to my written material at OSTG.
- Decline and Fall of The Version Number
- Getting started with LDAP
- Your glossary to the VOIP Alphabet Soup
- Small-business paperwork and Scribus
- Looking good: basic color management for X
- Got Hype? Release schedules for maximum publicity
- Looking good: monitor calibration under X
- Open source at Flickr
- Resolve to be nicer to your fonts in the new year
- Why not to upgrade your Linux distribution
- Say hello to XMPP
- Making vector graphics with Frontline
- A font primer for Linux
- Nobody cares about software
- How to migrate from Evolution to Mozilla Thunderbird
- Wrangle those digital photos with ImgSeek