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Nate and The Fat Man

January 15th, 2009 | File Under hitchcock | No comments yet

For no reason whatsoever, last week I informally decided that one of my 2009 resolutions would be to watch all of Alfred Hitchcock’s movies. Well, in truth it wasn’t for no reason — it was because I started watching Alfred Hitchcock Presents through Netflix’s Watch Instantly. For genuinely no reason, I am going to keep track of that process on this blog.

But before embarking on the journey, I decided to take stock of what the big man’s filmography actually was. And it’s not short. Here is the list:

  1. The Pleasure Garden
  2. The Lodger
  3. Downhill
  4. The Ring
  5. Easy Virtue
  6. The Farmer’s Wife
  7. Champagne
  8. The Manxman
  9. Blackmail
  10. Juno and the Paycock
  11. Murder!
  12. Elstree Calling
  13. The Skin Game
  14. Mary
  15. Number Seventeen
  16. Rich and Strange
  17. Waltzes from Vienna
  18. The Man Who Knew Too Much
  19. The 39 Steps
  20. Secret Agent
  21. Sabotage
  22. Young and Innocent
  23. The Lady Vanishes
  24. Jamaica Inn
  25. Rebecca
  26. Foreign Correspondent
  27. Mr & Mrs Smith
  28. Suspicion
  29. Saboteur
  30. Shadow of a Doubt
  31. Lifeboat
  32. Spellbound
  33. Notorious
  34. The Paradine Case
  35. Rope
  36. Under Capricorn
  37. Stage Fright
  38. Strangers on a Train
  39. I Confess
  40. Dial M for Murder
  41. Rear Window
  42. To Catch a Thief
  43. The Trouble with Harry
  44. The Man Who Knew Too Much (56)
  45. The Wrong Man
  46. Vertigo
  47. North by Northwest
  48. Pyscho
  49. The Birds
  50. Marnie
  51. Torn Curtain
  52. Topaz
  53. Frenzy
  54. Family Plot

Yikes. Just in case I run out of time — or motivation — I’ve marked the films I’ve already seen in italics (to the best of my current recollection), and will focus on the previously unseen ones to start with. If I make it through all of those, then I could tackle the repeats. And if I complete those, perhaps tackling every TV episode he directed (although he hosted every episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents, he only directed a few of them). And if I complete those, then I guess I’ll just watch the three or four early movies that are long out of print and believed lost entirely. I’ll let you know if I manage to pull that off.