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20 days, 17000 miles, 1243 photos

We’re all back in the republic now, if there was any doubt. To show for it I’ve got nearly eight gigabytes of photographs (raw). That’s going to take some time to sort through. I know, I know – everyone visits Prague Castle or some old river and thinks they’re the only one who turned a camera on it. So I promise not to go crazy. But I will try and sift through the damage and find things to show for those who want to see them. And in the process, hopefully get more familiar with Adobe Lightroom.

Wall Art

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4 Comments - Join in the conversation below »

  1. go crazy if the inspiration hits, i say. the light in the photo inside the castle (it’s the castle, right? or the cathedral? or mere church? anyway…) is gorgeous, so i’m looking forward to more. no pressure or anything, of course. just hurry a little. and cheers, as always.

    Comment by alisa — August 31, 2006 @ 9:55 am

  2. I’ve been wanting to try Adobe Lightroom myself… I’d be interested in hearing what you think of it.

    Also Nate, just a humble suggestion: Get rid of that cursed image captcha anti-spam method, and go with something like Akismet or Spam Karma. I’ve used both, and like Akismet better. Your commenters won’t have to type in hard to read numbers, and you won’t get spam.

    Comment by Jay — September 20, 2006 @ 7:15 am

  3. Well, it’s both. The castle is a compound of a bunch of buildings — cathedral, royal residence, all kinds of little blocks that are now used as shops. I guess the thing as a whole is fortified, with one ring of buildings forming the outer wall … so it meets the technical definition of castle. But it sure does look different.

    Comment by Nate — September 20, 2006 @ 7:31 am

  4. Jay, my commenters love typing numbers. That’s why they’re here! I hear it constantly in private email. I do use Akismet, which flagged your comment as spam due to your highly excessive link count.

    If we all stopped using captchas, then how would we know when the machines evolve to become smarter than us? If the movies of the 50’s taught us anything, it’s that constant vigilance is our only defense as a species. Well, that and fire.

    Also I did start putting pics up on the Flickr — just a few so far. I recommend trying Lightroom while it’s still free; they may give you a discount when they jerk it away and start charging $900 for it. Just profile your monitor first.

    Comment by Nate — September 20, 2006 @ 7:40 am

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